![]() Everybody has a general idea of what is the perfect party food. However in addition to the old standbys why not toss in a few fresh seasonal fruits and veggies! Here is a list of the early ones available in Indiana that can be worked in various dishes or be a dish themselves. Fresh Springtime Veggies: • Radishes • Peas, • Lettuces/Greens • Garlic • Green Beans • Spring Beets • Asparagus • Artichokes • Spring Onions • Beets • Parsley • Rhubarb • Turnips Fresh Fruits • Apricots • Cherries • Citrus fruit – grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes, clementines • Rhubarb • Strawberries • Avocados • Lemons • Mango • Pineapple • Navel Oranges • Kiwis And the unusual Spring Foraged Foods • Fiddleheads • Morel mushrooms • Stinging Nettle
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![]() Our Last Article in this series is the final and definitive way for allergic people to live with their pets. Get desensitized and you won’t have the irritating allergy symptoms. The following article is written by Tom Hammett registered nurse and allergy specialist who did this treatment on me. I love it. I am no longer bothered by the itchy eyes, runny nose and chronic cough. Yeah!!! At Allergy Solutions of Indiana we excel in treating patients of all ages. Pet allergies are a common issue with so many patients – infants through adults. Dog and cat allergies cause an array of reactions simply because there are so many components causing sensitivities and allergic responses. Many people react to combinations of dog hair, dander, saliva, sebum, mucin, skin cells, proteins and more. Cats present an even greater number of potential allergens. Serious allergies and sensitivities are caused by cat dander, skin cells, gastric acids, hair, miters, mucin, saliva, skin oils, streptococcus bacteria in cat feces, and more. Pain free testing and treatment make the decision to eliminate the allergies and sensitivities so easy. Love your pet even more – allergy free! Although pet allergies are plentiful, and serious, there is a renewed enjoyment of dogs and cats when the allergies are eliminated and the pets once again become lovable family members. On a broader note we successfully provide solutions for: • Infants with formula sensitivities as well as chemical and environmental allergies. • Nursing infants reacting to substances the mother is ingesting. • Children with food, seasonal allergies (pollens, trees, grass, weeds), respiratory and contact allergies, as well as allergy induced asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), digestive symptoms, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), poison Ivy and more. • Teens with all types of allergies and sensitivities, as well as allergy induced asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), seasonal allergies (pollens, trees, grass, weeds) respiratory symptoms, dermatological symptoms, digestive symptoms, migraines, fatigue, poison Ivy and more. • Adults suffering with seasonal allergies (pollens, trees, grass, weeds) and food sensitivities, as well as migraines, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic sinusitis, fatigue, poison Ivy, alcohol, wines and more. • Older Adults with medication sensitivities and allergies. Elimination of an allergy “family” is generally completed in one visit. The testing and the treatments are completely non-invasive, NO NEEDLES, therefore, NO PAIN. Our database of allergens and items causing sensitivities contains more than 37,000 items. There is no need to live with allergies and sensitivities. Painlessly your allergies and sensitivities are eliminated. Through our work we reset your bodies reaction to particular allergens or sensitivities so the offending substance is no longer seen and reacted to as harmful or threatening. Live life allergy free! ![]() Just because you have a pet – and pet allergies, doesn’t mean boring, drab and ugly. You can still decorate with style and panache! Floors: Hard surface floors work the best for people with allergies. Carpeting traps hair, dander, odors and all sorts of other environmental allergens. Hardwood floors, laminate floors, ceramic tile, vinyl tile, sealed stone and stained concrete are all much easier to clean and maintain – and still come in a wide variety of colors, styles and even textures. If you really must have carpeting then opt for a cut pile, stain resistant variety with a carpet pad that has a protective spill barrier to help with the occasional pet “accident”. Paint: It is best to use paint with a washable finish (at least a satin finish) so that you can clean it easily. My pets get wet and muddy sometimes and brush against a wall and YUCK…. It needs washing!!! Furniture: Some people let their pets on furniture while others do not. If your pet likes to jump up for a nap or to look out the window, you might consider rearranging your furniture so that it is not quite so easy to jump on the back of the couch to bark at everybody. But if they are going to do it anyway – consider a couch that the hair will brush or vacuum off easily. Many of our clients have leather or faux leather (pleather) and that wipes off very easily. If your furniture fabric collects hair it can take a grossly disproportionate amount of time just to clean the furniture! The same goes for the drapes. Some fabrics just seem to reach out and grab the hair while other fabrics simply let it slide off. If you are buying new furniture or drapes, it is best to consult the manufacturer to determine the best choice. Throw Rugs: Anything that is sized and can be washed in the washing machine at home will work better than a huge rug that has to be sent out to be cleaned. ![]() Most of our clients have pets and many of them have someone in the household who is allergic to the pet. So how do you keep the pets without suffering the allergies? This newsletter addresses what you can do to minimize or eliminate the problem – yes and keep the pet! I personally, had allergies to my pets and have tried many of the suggestions listed below. I already had a Pomeranian and a Chia-Pom that I refused to part with. So that eliminated the first step of picking a pet that caused minimal reactions. However I ripped out my carpeting and got hardwood and ceramic tile floors – which helped greatly, but didn’t totally solve the problem. Then I went to Allergy Solutions of Indiana and got desensitized and in one easy pain free treatment – am no longer allergic to my pets. Yes, you can say I am a fan! Take a look at the following suggestions. Our last article in this newsletter about the desensitizing treatment is written by Tom Hammett R.N. Allergy Specialist, who has done my treatment. 1. Research and pick a pet that causes minimal allergic reactions. 2. Redo, redecorate or remodel any pet areas to make it easier to keep hair and dander free. 3. Get an allergy solution treatment that will eliminate the allergy entirely. All dogs and cats produce dander and saliva that can cause allergic reactions in people. Certain breeds are touted as less allergenic. Here are some of the easiest pets for the allergic person to live with. If you are trying to decide between and cat and a dog – the cats usually produce a greater allergic reaction. Dogs: 1. Bichon Frise’ 2. Yorkie 3. Schnauzer 4. Bedlington Terrier 5. Shih Tzu 6. Poodle or Labradoodle 7. Italian Greyhound 8. Basenji 9. Chinese Crested 10. Portuguese Water Dog Cats: 1. Devon Rex 2. Sphynx 3. Xoloitzcuintli |
Sheryl Babladelis